Wednesday 16 July 2014

Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos

Auto Accident Injury Biography:

Automobile accidents occur every day. Unfortunately, damage from these crashes isn’t always limited to the vehicles involved. On the list of common injuries caused by car accidents, back injuries rank fairly high. Even a seemingly minor accident can cause back injuries, in part because the human body simply isn’t designed to absorb the jarring impact of a car accident, even a low-speed collision. And in turn, even a seemingly minor back injury can have a significant impact on your daily life. This article looks at common types of back injuries caused by car accidents, how those injuries might be treated, and what to do if you’ve suffered a back injury after a car crash.
Types of Back Injuries
The spine can be divided into three distinct areas: cervical vertebrae (neck), thoracic vertebrae (upper back), and lumbar vertebrae (lower back). Each section of the spinal cord and its vertebrae are surrounded by discs, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, which if injured can cause varying degrees of pain -- from mild to debilitating, from and temporary to permanent.
Thoracic Spine Injuries. Generally, injuries to the thoracic spine are the most serious. The thoracic spine, or upper back, connects to the ribs and chest region. Sprains and fractures in this area are primarily caused by high velocity auto accidents, and may result in permanent nerve damage.
Lumbar Spine Injuries. The lumbar spine is comprised of the five largest vertebrae and the strongest of the muscles necessary to provide stability for the spine. Therefore, a sprain or strain to the lumbar spine can prove to be particularly painful. A sprain involves actual damage to the ligaments, while a strain is a stretching of the ligaments, tendons or muscles. Either injury may result in limited movement, swelling, bruising, and tenderness, and may severely impact your ability to perform daily activities.
Herniated Discs. Some car accident victims experience herniated discs. Discs are the cushions that separate the vertebrae and protect the spine. A herniated disc occurs when a disc is displaced. Often, the herniated disc then places pressure on the spinal cord or its surrounding nerves. Sudden and intense pain in the lower region of the back and numbness in the legs are the most commonly reported symptoms.
Spinal Cord Injuries. The most serious back injuries involve the spinal cord. Such injuries range from bruising or excessive pressure to permanent damage to the spinal cord and nerves -- leading to long term disability. Spinal cord injuries often result in total or partial paralysis, loss of feeling in certain areas of the body, and loss of reflex function. Further, depending on the type of injury or treatment received, victims of spinal cord injuries may also be at risk for secondary medical problems, such as infection due to surgery, blood clots, bleeding, pneumonia, and spinal fluid leaks.
How Mental and Emotional Injuries Affect Your Damages in A Car Accident Claim
For better or for worse, claims for mental and emotional injuries do not generally play a huge role in determining an injured person’s damages (the amount of compensation he or she will receive). Minor claims of mental anguish and emotional distress simply allow the injured person to be humanized; that is, to let the insurer and the jury see that the injured person is a regular person who can suffer pain.
More severe claims of mental injury (those in which the injured person has had mental health treatment) certainly increase a person’s damages in the sense that they increase the claim for medical bills and perhaps even for lost earnings. But they do not necessarily increase very significantly the amount of damages a jury will award for pain and suffering. Jurors likely assume that some amount of mental pain and suffering goes with the territory  i.e., if you suffer a severe physical injury, you are likely to have suffered a severe emotional injury as well.
Car Accidents and Soft Tissue Injury
Soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains are pretty common in car accident cases. And while these injuries can be pretty painful and life-disrupting, they're not always easy to prove. So it's important that you do everything possible to document your soft tissue injuries and protect your right to compensation. In this article, we'll describe soft tissue injuries and the steps you can take to help your auto accident claim.
What are Soft Tissue Injuries?
Soft tissue injury means bruising, spraining, straining, and other damage to tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the human body -- the "soft" areas of the body, as opposed to bone.
Soft tissue injuries can include whiplash (which affects the neck and upper spine) and less serious structural damage at any joint or limb such as the shoulder, knee, elbow, foot, ankle, wrists, and hands.
Soft Tissue Injuries Can be Painful and Long-Lasting
In a car accident case, insurance adjusters often contest or attempt to trivialize soft tissue injuries, especially neck injuries like whiplash. However, soft tissue injuries can be very serious.
A car accident can be a violent experience, with all kinds of sudden stops and starts that can take their toll on the body. After an accident, you may experience continuing neck and back pain, stiffness, and headaches. X-rays may not indicate an injury, but you need to communicate your pain and discomfort to your treating physicians, and to specialists like chiropractors and physical therapists.
In some car accident cases, soft tissue injuries can persist and cause complications for six months or more after the accident, and they may necessitate ongoing follow-up medical care. In that case, you are entitled to compensation for all medical treatment you receive as a result of your soft tissue injuries, as well as other damages such as time missed at work and the negative impact the injuries have had on your life.
Document All Medical Treatment
You can recover compensation for treatment and other costs related to your soft tissue injuries. The best way to make sure your injuries are compensated is to have clear documentation of all treatment you received because of the car accident. The first step is to request all medical records and copies of itemized bills related to your treatment, from any health care provider that treated you. The medical provider may charge a fee to produce your records. Your personal injury lawyer may or may not cover these up-front costs, but these fees will likely be deducted from the settlement in your case.
Demand Letters and Soft Tissue Injuries
In car accident cases, a demand letter is often used to negotiate a settlement before a personal injury lawsuit is filed in court. Since insurance adjusters have a tendency to dispute soft tissue injuries or claim that they were pre-existing, you need to draft a strong demand letter that is detailed and well-written -- both as to the circumstances surrounding the crash (including why the other driver is at fault) and all medical care that was necessary as a result of the accident. You should also describe ongoing treatment and any future treatment that is necessary. Learn more about writing a demand letter in a car accident case.
What If Your Case Goes to Trial?
For various reasons, you may need to scrap settlement negotiations and file a personal injury lawsuit over your car accident injuries. Oftentimes this happens because the insurance adjuster is not making a reasonable settlement offer related to your soft tissue injuries.
As with other personal injury cases, there are risks and costs associated with taking a soft tissue case to trial. A jury may be reluctant to provide compensation for sprains and other soft tissue injuries, even if you have medical records and prognoses that show the need for ongoing treatment. Taking a case to trial can be very time-consuming and expensive, so it may be wise to discuss your options and your best strategy -- settle or go to trial -- with an experienced attorney.
Injury Claims for Headaches After a Car Accident
When Headaches Begin After a Car Accident
For some people who have been involved in a car accident, head pain begins immediately; for others, a headache may not show up until after a few hours or days. In either situation, it is vital to get necessary medical treatment as soon as possible, and make sure to tell the treating physician about every symptom you're experiencing.
Getting prompt medical treatment for a headache after an accident has two benefits. First, it increases the chances that doctors will find the cause of the headache and be able to treat it, which reduces the risk of long-term disability caused by head pain, traumatic brain injury, or other injuries like whiplash. Second, it helps protect your legal rights to seek compensation for medical losses after an accident. The sooner you seek medical care once a headache sets in, the easier it is for you to establish that the accident caused those injuries, and the harder it is for an insurance company to claim that something other than the car accident necessitated your treatment.
Keeping Records of Your Headache
Keeping records after a car accident is wise no matter what symptoms you suffered, but keeping track of your headaches in particular offers two benefits. First, keeping a written headache diary helps your doctors provide better treatment, especially if your headaches persist for a significant amount of time after the accident. Your written records should include the date and time your headaches start, how long they last, how severe they are, and what makes them better or worse.
Second, keeping records helps establish the severity of the pain and suffering you experience related to your headaches. Because compensation for your injuries depends primarily on the extent to which they have affected you (in addition to your medical bills, obviously), having records that track your pain levels, the duration of your headaches, and what activities you must modify or stop doing due to head pain can serve as invaluable evidence in insurance settlement negotiations or at trial.
Establishing the Value of a Headache Claim
The value of a car accident injury claim based on a headache depends on several factors. Some of the factors you can use to establish the value of such a claim include:
pain and suffering caused by the headache and any other injuries
the cost of medical care and treatment for headache, including the cost of care for traumatic brain injury, whiplash, or other more serious injuries of which the headache is a symptom
any loss of income resulting from the head pain -- for instance, lost wages from days you could not work due to severe head pain, and
loss of enjoyment of life due to headache, if the pain forces you to curtail certain hobbies, family activities, and other items on your schedule.
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos
Auto Accident Injury Accident Photos Man Pictures of Honey Singh Graphic Image Clipart of Gopinath Munde Car Prone Photos

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